Top 10: Movies my parents shouldn't have let me watch as a kid
9:08 PM
The Shredder
, Posted in
80s movie
rated r
top 10
total recall
When I was a kid I watched a lot of stuff I can't believe my parents(my mom) allowed me to watch. It was just a different time I guess. Parents weren't scared to death that a 2 hour Robocop movie was going to turn their child into some cop killer because they knew they were teaching them good morals outside of those 2 hours..... Still I'm not letting my kids watch half this stuff for a long time.
9.Police Academy
Some adult jokes, maybe a nipple. I rented all 6 at the time. I even had the toys. Was pretty into these movies for a few months.
8.Naked Gun
Watched this at my aunts for the first time, Thought it was hilarious as a 8 year old. Should I have been watching it? I don't think so. Now that I watch it though, I pick up all the adult jokes I didn't even get or laugh at when I was younger.
Yes it PG, but has the word fuck and and is creepy as hell. Used to close my eyes when he turns into the snake. I can't believe its PG... I also enjoyed the toys and cartoon. Michael Keton is pretty awesome here.
6.Total Recall
Man when Arnold's eyes pop out of his head while on Mars.. I remember the trailer pretty good because it looked so crazy and the x-ray scene. Again I saw it at my uncles. Three boobs and all. I was closing my eyes half the time. I still love asking my wife in my Arnold voice "Want to go to Mars?". This movie has really grown on me as I have gotten older.
5.Terminator 2
Talk about a big deal in 1991. It was all anyone was talking about. The action,the special effects and the make up. Its a great movie. Maybe the best action movie ever. I had the toys, saw it in the theater with my mom. Why did she think it was ok? Who knows but god bless her. It was like my brothers favorite movie when he was 6..
4.Stand By Me
3.Robocop 2
Not a good movie but violent as hell. I remember being pretty excited for since the 1st one was so great. It just didnt have that great balance of humor and action like the first one and its pretty crazy with the kid shooting people,dropping f words and the dude who gets cut open by a surgeon.
Saw this one time at my grandparents. Have no idea why they let me watch it. There was a F-word after every noun and tons of murders. After it my grandma says "now that movie had nasty words you know not to say those".
Ahh the rated R movie of my youth. It had a toy line,TV show, cartoon later on and was a huge commercial success. How could kids not see this thing? It was a rated R movie aimed at kids. I had almost all the toys. Don't think that was the plan when it was released but its what happened. Kids all over America were watching Murphy getting his limbs blown off and watching the dad from that 70s show get a fist sword thing stabbed in his neck. In my mind there was nothing wrong with all this. Times have changed...
top 10, total recall, movies, 80s movie, 1990, rated r,robocop