RMT: Big Top Pee-Wee (35% RT)

Random Movie Thoughts

Just watched Pee-Wees Big Top(Dyslexic mistake found while proofing..keeping it) on Netflix. Loved it as a kid, thought it was up there with Big Adventure. After watching it as a adult I can say in fact its no where close to Big Adventure and its sorta creepy. The fact that Reuben wrote and produced this thing makes it even creepier. The movie was a total bust. It cost 20 million to make and only brought in 15 million.

-The first 15 mins is very classic Pee-Wee. Making the animals pancake. All the farm animals eating breakfast at the table. Riding a tractor for like 10 seconds while singing Pee-Wee had a farm.

-Creepy part 1. Lunch with Winnie! Well its going pretty funny(egg salad on the face). He then does the hair combing thing along with jumping on top of Whinne where she has to push him stating the "Children.. THE CHILDREN!". I know Pee-wee has been know to slide in adult jokes in his tv show and what not but this isn't even trying to hide anything. Its screams I JUST WANT SOME!

-Towns People are pretty funny. Loved the cheese sandwich part. I in fact started to eat them because of this movie. I'M STARVING! PLEASE!
-I enjoy Vance the Pig. Again very Pee-Wee.

-Had no idea Benicio del Toro was Duke the dog face,

-Creepy part 2. The kissing scene with Gina goes on forever, Like it turns into a softcore film it goes so long. The setting is just odd too. Goes from a farm setting to a jungle with a water fall. You know Reuben wrote this in. A make out scene that lasts 1:35 mins(yes I timed it). It feels so awkward. I bet the theater experience with it was just terrible. I mean all these parents and kids sitting through a softi. Had no reason to be in there and pretty uncalled for.

-Biffed line by Mace. They didn't even bother to try another take. "That's right Showball.. Snowball".

-Piccolapupula brothers sharing Winne? Also pretty odd. They hint at some sort of odd wife sharing thing. Gross.
-Classic Pee-Wee when he shrinks everyone into children.

-Creepy part 3 when Gina and him have sex and by have sex they show women mud wrestling and explosions. Why does Pee-Wee need to have sex in a movie about a farm that is aimed at kids??!?!?! What were they thinking??!?

-More mistakes: They slow down the film when Vance is singing during the circus show. Like they didn't get enough of a shot to fill his lines or something.

This is just an odd movie with Reubon writing in long kissing scenes to creep out parents and confuse kids. Why does Pee-Wee need to do all this grown up stuff like cheating on girl friends? Just stick to talking to pigs,growing large tomatoes and walking on tight ropes with cows. This is his worst stuff without a doubt. Stick to the playhouse and Big Adventure.


8bitfetish:Knight Rider

My Knight Rider NES poster came from 8bitfetish! It came! It came! It really is in my opinion one the best Knight Rider images there is and it came from the NES cover art. 8bitfetish really out did there selves here. The deep reds look great! The yellow pops! It tops off my Knight Rider stuff just the way I wanted it to. If you are interested in picking up this bad boy for $11.99(free S&H) than you can find it here!
I remember when I was a kid I was so excited when I saw the Knight Rider game at the store. I begged my mom for it but she wouldn't have it. So I know I was waiting for Christmas or birthday which was a long way off. I was lucky enough that my uncle rented and we played it one night and I was so pumped. I couldn't believe I was about to play my favorite TV in a video game.... Well that where the excitement started and ended as it was just terrible from the start. It was great seeing Kitt in 8 bit form but outside of that the game is impossible. I haven't played it in some time so I can't recall a whole lot but I remember enjoying the turbo boosting but Kitt has rockets I think? Every car was an enemy running you off the road. It just wasn't fun.
Even though the game sucked I always got that warm fuzzy Knight Rider feeling when ever I saw the cover art. It just kicks ass and now looks great on my wall. I already have gotten complements on it during our Christmas party. Now I did get a few question on Twitter about the posters and got some answers.

Q: Why 13 x 19 sized poster?
A: 13x19 is a pretty good natural fit for the most part. It's also bigger than 17x11. And it's not too big or too small. Can fit a good amount on your walls. You really can't do that with 32x24. 

Q: Do you take requests?
A: We do request. But it's not always going to happen.  It all depends how high the resolution is on an image.   

The next poster comes in Jan and its features four heroes in a half shell who made my top 10 SNES covers. Like Bart Scott once said, "CAN'T WAIT!"

8bitfetish, knight rider, 8bits, nes, video games,

Did we just become best friends?

A few months ago I decided I needed to track down some NES cover art for my "me room"(Still no pictures..I know) and looked at some auctions on Ebay. I thought some had some pretty crappy looking quality. I found 8bitfetish which had a huge selection. The quality looked way better than the other options. They even have some classic video game scenes! I can't wait to see what more scenes they decide to push out. I decided to take the plunge and ordered the original Super Mario Bros and TMNT II The Arcade Game.

Got my order in a few days. The posters were a 13 x 19 and were full of 8 bits of awesomeness. Great colors,great quality poster and didn't break the bank($11.99+Free shipping). I am huge sucker for Nintendo box art from the NES and SNES days and I couldn't wait to get more.
The other day I was thinking I needed a NES Knight Rider poster to complement my Knight Rider display and I thought why not ask 8bitfetish to be my Friend?!?!? I mean I love Nintendo box art,their stuff is outstanding and its fast and cheap(oh yeah!). I contacted Steve the owner of 8bitfetish with the idea of getting one poster a month sent to me to review on SD80sK. So did he say yes?........ YES! I am excited to announce that SD80sK is partnering up with 8bitfetish! Reviewing Nintendo box posters sounds like a dream come true and the Knight Rider poster should be here any day! So please welcome them to the blog and go check out their amazing posters and their website(still under construction) and Ebay Store!

8bitfetish, nes, snes,8bits, video games, nintendo,

Top 10: Movies my parents shouldn't have let me watch as a kid

When I was a kid I watched a lot of stuff I can't believe my parents(my mom) allowed me to watch. It was just a different time I guess. Parents weren't scared to death that a 2 hour Robocop movie was going to turn their child into some cop killer because they knew they were teaching them good morals outside of those 2 hours..... Still I'm not letting my kids watch half this stuff for a long time.


I watched this at my uncles. I was scared and hid my face most the time. I was like 7. Never seen it since.

9.Police Academy
Some adult jokes, maybe a nipple. I rented all 6 at the time. I even had the toys. Was pretty into these movies for a few months.

8.Naked Gun
Watched this at my aunts for the first time, Thought it was hilarious as a 8 year old. Should I have been watching it? I don't think so. Now that I watch it though, I pick up all the adult jokes I didn't even get or laugh at when I was younger.

Yes it PG, but has the word fuck and and is creepy as hell. Used to close my eyes when he turns into the snake. I can't believe its PG... I also enjoyed the toys and cartoon. Michael Keton is pretty awesome here.

6.Total Recall
Man when Arnold's eyes pop out of his head while on Mars.. I remember the trailer pretty good because it looked so crazy and the x-ray scene. Again I saw it at my uncles. Three boobs and all. I was closing my eyes half the time. I still love asking my wife in my Arnold voice "Want to go to Mars?". This movie has really grown on me as I have gotten older.

5.Terminator 2
Talk about a big deal in 1991. It was all anyone was talking about. The action,the special effects and the make up. Its a great movie. Maybe the best action movie ever. I had the toys, saw it in the theater with my mom. Why did she think it was ok? Who knows but god bless her. It was like my brothers favorite movie when he was 6..

4.Stand By Me
A great movie but also a intense one. For parents its a sneak peek inside how their 13 year old boy is really acting when they aren't around. Each kid is weighted down by their own issues and are trying to discover who they are. Lots of f words and of course a dead kid by the train tracks. Not even sure where I first saw it but I always thought of it as a edgier Goonies.

3.Robocop 2
Not a good movie but violent as hell. I remember being pretty excited for since the 1st one was so great. It just didnt have that great balance of humor and action like the first one and its pretty crazy with the kid shooting people,dropping f words and the dude who gets cut open by a surgeon.

Saw this one time at my grandparents. Have no idea why they let me watch it. There was a F-word after every noun and tons of murders. After it my grandma says "now that movie had nasty words you know not to say those".

Ahh the rated R movie of my youth. It had a toy line,TV show, cartoon later on and was a huge commercial success. How could kids not see this thing? It was a rated R movie aimed at kids. I had almost all the toys. Don't think that was the plan when it was released but its what happened. Kids all over America were watching Murphy getting his limbs blown off and watching the dad from that 70s show get a fist sword thing stabbed in his neck. In my mind there was nothing wrong with all this. Times have changed...
top 10, total recall, movies, 80s movie, 1990, rated r,robocop

Garfield Halloween Adventure

Just wanted to post one last Halloween favorite! I always made sure to watch this every year as a kid. It funny and has some nice creep to it as well with the old guy and the pirates. My son loves it so it still stands up in my eyes. Enjoy!


scare yo kids: Mr.Boogedy

Mr.Boogedy not only scared the Crystal Pepsi out of me it was one of my favorite kids movies. So much in fact I watched the VHS enough to make it stop working. I would pop it in everyday after getting home from the sitters.

It aired in April of 86 which made me 4 and I thought it was the scariest thing I have ever seen. After just re watching it with my son it wasn't as scary as I remember of course but my son found it scary so it still holds up. Its about a family who is moving into a haunted house(John Astin is waiting in the house warning the family to leave...No one thought this was odd I guess...) that has been haunted for the last 300 years by Mr.Boogdey who is William Hanover a old Pilgrim who loved a women named The Widow Marion who had a son Johnathan. Hanover was an odd dude who scared the town with his weird behavior. Of course she didn't love him so he struck a deal with the devil and was given a magic cloak to make her love him. Boogedy has tortured the Marion for 300 years by keeping Marion from her little ghost boy Johnathan. Ghost Johanathan stays trapped in the house with his cold(which killed him) while the Widow roams outside the house crying about her son. WOOoooooOOOooooooooo...
The family Dad is a real kidder and runs his own gag store(how do you make a living doing that?!?!) so a lot of the early spook stuff the kids are seeing gets written off as the Dad pulling a joke. The two brothers play a major part as they are the ones to first discover Mr.Boogedy and his history. The older is Bud from Married with Children and the little brother is from ALF. The sister is just worried all the time of course and the Mom just goes along for the ride.
When Boogedy is on screen with his nasty face and green glow around his body it can be pretty frighting for a kid. Match that with some great 80s effects and good spooky soundtrack and it makes most kid freak. It has lots of cheese moments with the family and Boogedy to keep it some what light but still is just a fun scary ride. Its really to bad it was never given a DVD release. You can watch it on youtube(below) or pay a few bucks for a clean up version on Amazon digital video. There is also the 2nd movie which is the Bride of Boogedy which is longer and I liked just as much. I'll review that one next Halloween. BOOGEDY BOO!

80s movie, disney, halloween, mr.boogedy

Rad Reads hates it when rides gets canceled

@theAFICIONAUTO did a great youtube video with the Hoff and a kitt replica
Its fun to see Hoff and Kitt together again but I am purest at heart and I am not a fan of the LED scanner and the tinted windows. Outside of that I will say it is a beautiful replica since they are hard to complete since finding a good Trans Am is tough and the part are crazy $$$.

The Ghostbuster ride that didn't happen.. Why god?!? This thing looks like it would have been a ton of fun.

Looks like the Disney Toy Story ride. I rode it and was great. Would have been even better if it.. WAS GHOSTBUSTERS! To bad the project got lost in the shuffle.

Batman-News has some nice news on the upcoming Batman vs Superman film. Nolan is helping with the project and Jena Malone as Robin? This is looking more and more like the Dark Knight Returns. The more it is the better.

The Angry Video Game Nerd reviews the terrible NES Beetle Juice game. He also did a two part James and Mike Mondays on one of my favorite SNES games Castlevania 4!
There isn't much to not like about this game. If you never played it, please do. Its a perfect play in October.

IS this true? Yes its true... This movie has no Dick
Ughhhhhh.. I'm sorry this just sounds like a GB spoof. I was hoping for a reboot or almost anything but this. This news is pretty much the same level of disappointment as hearing Bay was doing TMNT.

Over at the Sewer Den they checked out the Turtles in Time art.
Some outstanding pieces of tmnt art. So many different styles.

5 spooky action figures from Dino Dracula. Branded goes Monster Squad crazy. CFC does Streets of Fire. Need a Sweet TMNT Turtle Head Key Chain? 

rad reads,ghostbusters, batman, tmnt, nintendo, Snes, knight rider

16 bits:Mighty morphin Power Rangers

Cover Art: 4 bits out of 16
16-bit: Standard beat em up. Can't touch the likes of TMNT in Time and Final Fight.
15-bit: Playing the levels in the pre-morph can be boring since your ranger does very little cool(besides Zack spinning on his flat top in a dancing move while kicking foes).
14-bit: Zack spins on his flat top.
RIP Trini
13-bit: Fighting styles do match their TV counterparts.
12-bit: Putties don't offer much of a challenge. If anything they are cheap. They hit you during mid attack.
11-bit: Bosses are cool but way easy.
10-bit: No story whats so ever.
9-bit: Besides strike and tossing putties there isn't much to do to them.
8-bit: Morphin effects are pretty great and its all you want since the levels are such a bore before it happens.
7-bit: You get this bomb and it explodes into some sort of power ranger bomb... Its very Golden Axeish. Nothing like this in the show.
6-bit: Graphics are ok. I would say the rangers look good. Everything else(Angel Grove) looks very bland.
5-bit: bulk and scull in the juice bar!
4 bit: Platforming is a bit tricky. Rangers feel like they have weights in their feet.
3-bit: Weapons are included in the attacks which is cool.
2-bit: Where are the zords? I know.. Play the zord fighting game.
1-bit: Again I could have landed on a lot worse but this game feels a bit mailed in and I am sure they just wanted to get it out to make even more money off the Rangers at that point. I remember renting this game and blowing through it in a hour or so on a Friday night and being pissed. It can't hold a candle to other beat em ups and I have yet to play the movie edition which "looks" better. Fun to play to laugh at but not fun to play...to play.

16 bits, bits, snes, nintendo, power rangers

COOL CRAP:8bitdo NES30 blue tooth controller

Well I am huge em head and I have never been on board with playing my favorite SNES/NES games on my phone. The virtual game pad feels impossible to me. Like whats the point of dying and being terrible at SMB3? If I had my game controller I would be way better. I hated other 3rd party crap controllers that feels off,cheap and is just terrible. So I just stuck to my roms on my Wii or my 1st gen PSP which are both pretty good but my psp is huge and my Wii is well my Wii.

I gave up on any hope on a controller until now...

Its beautiful isn't? But is it functional? OH YES IT! 8bitdo did a amazing job with this thing. Such an amazing job I can't believe they haven't been sued into outer space. It feels like a real NES controller. From the rubber start button to the amazing but plastic d pad. I have carried this thing everywhere with me and even used it during boring trainings which now fly by as I don't pay attention to my job but play Super Castlevania 4. I have had random strangers come up to me in public and ask "is that what I think it is?" "Are you playing SNES on your tablet or phone?" They love trying it out and want one of their own but when I get into explaining Emulators and roms they look at me like I'm talking Spanish. Which I don't understand its not that hard. It also has some great features like being able to use it with the Wii(which I haven't yet),wall charger and being able to update the firmware. So how does it play?

NES Games

I've played a lot of different NES games with it and they play without a hitch. No lag and very responsive. I will say the set up was a bit confusing as the instructions didn't really help with how my devices(Note II and Nexus 7 Tab) hook up. I was pretty pissed that I could connect my controller to the device but the emulators were not picking it up. Well after searching the 8bitdo site I finally found a app that you download that helps do that. No where in the manual did it say that or what the hell I wasn't doing. Maybe it was just me being dumb and my user error but wasn't very clear how to get this thing rolling outside of connecting it by holding "Start" for 3 secs.
Back to the games. They all tested great and the lag was zero. I mean zero. I was playing Contra on my phone with no lag of any sort. It was amazing. I use Contra to always test out these things since the game mashing is so crazy and it just passed with flying colors. Mapping out the buttons was very easy. My only real gripe is the space of the "Y" and "A" button as they are farther then the real "B" and "A" button which makes sliding your fingers over a bit of a adjustment. But after a 30 mins that goes away the problem isn't much of one anymore.

SNES Games
I was worried about some lag with this one since SNES just demands more but again it preformed with no flaws. NBA JAM TE and MK3 played amazing. No button lag or screen. Lets talk triggers for a bit. This is basically a SNES pad put into NES form and the trigger work and push great but the straight corners can cause some pain after some extended playing where the original SNES pad is rounded and feel much better to the hand. Really if I had my choice I would want a SNES pad over the NES pad for that very reason. The triggers don't cause any issues in the playing but just in your hands.

So buy it?
Yes!! GO BUY IT NOW!  If you are a Em Head like me then this is a must for $33. Plus I know my kids down the road will be all over this when they are a bit older. I plan on buying a 2nd one before they get sued.. I hope not but damn I'd be shocked if they didn't. I don't leave home without this thing and it will make you the coolest kid err..adult at work.

-No lag
-Authentic feel
-High quality
-Works with the Wii
-Charges with Micro USB
-20+ hours of use

-Set up is a bit tricky
-SNES trigger pain

Check out Retro Collects review of the NES30 since its more technical and they are just better writers then me.

cool crap, nes, snes, video games, bits, 8bits, 16 bits,

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