Top 10:Childhood TV Intros

Intros are what get you pumped. As a kid when these intros hit I was going crazy. Ready to jump into whatever world I was going to enter. I don't think today's intros are even in the same league as these. Hell some don't even bother with one. To me this is the best of the best. First lets check out what just missed the cut.
Pro Stars-Michael Jordan, BoJackson and The great one all team up. Great theme song.
Mario Bro 3- SMB3 now a Cartoon? sign me up.
Jem-I didn't watch this............every morning before school.
Cops-Very Raw intro, pretty good.
Sliver Hawks-Just missed the cut. Would be 11th. Lots of awesome rock.
10.American Gladators
It was always very late on a Saturday night. Around Midnight. My dad and I would watch the news and then some other crappy show(can't remember) and then bam! The intro of all these steroided freaks being introduced so they could go on to beat the crap out of the common man. My dad and I would bet dimes on the competitors... Ahh gambling with you're father over AG, heart touching memories.
I had to run the whole way from the bus stop to make this intro. I always did too. I didn't want to miss the drama with the Phoenix Saga or if Logan was going score with Jean. I intro blasts you in the face with a catchy tune and all the x-men.
This Intro is very 80s. Reminds me of the soundtrack for the Transformers movie from around the same time. This is pure rock and its awesome. The show I felt was not as good as the toys. Loved the toys... The Show was alright.
Talk about catchy.. This thing used to get stuck in my head for what it felt like the whole episode. The show was great too.
6.Pee-Wee Playhouse
If you weren't awake yet on Saturday when this came on than you were after this intro. Talk about high energy. I loved the claymation that it starts out with. Pretty decent length as well.
5.Batman the Animated Series
There isn't many things that hit the tone and style of Batman on the head like the show and intro did in BTAS. I used to get so pumped when the Batmobile is rolling. Just an outstanding and dark intro that sets the tone for the show. I could easily do a top 10 BTAS episode list.
4.The Real Ghostbusters
It was hard putting this at 4 since I would go banana's when this came on. It was the number one show I look forward to for some time. The intro is great, we get Stay Puff, Ecto and everything with a a Ghostbuster theme that rivals the movies. They did change it up in season 3 or 4 when the show started to go south. The change was for the worse, along with song.
Man this intro just kicks your ass. Not to mention how catchy it is. I remember it getting stuck in my head all day. Seemed like every kid at school was humming it too. The intro is a bit dark which is great and the way the show started but as season 3 came it seemed to get lighter.
2.Knight Rider
One man and one car driving through a desert is all I needed to get me hyped for Knight Rider. Not to mention one of the best 80s theme songs... Might be the best. Its my ringtone and listen to it on my phone as a MP3. Non fans know it. Match the theme song with some great shots from show and car flying in the desert and you had me sucked in. The voice over is perfect as well.
This was easily number 1. The "Thunder..Thunder... THUNDERCATS HO! Would have me running to grab my sword of omens to follow along in the action. Its such a action packed intro that it sucks you right in. Animation is outstanding and seeing things like the Thundertank ripping through the screen locks you into the show. For whatever reason I also loved the shiny logo at the end too. Just perfect.
80s,tv, thundercats, ghostbusters, top 10, knight rider, cartoons, super mario, tmnt,