Summer Popcorn RMT: Terminator Genisys

After the first few reviews hit(RT 27%) my hopes were lowered so I just went to see Arnold. I felt he was pretty decent and I don't know if its better than 3 or salvation since I haven't watched them in a long time. I just stick to the fact that Cameron's T2(the best action movie ever IMO) tied up everything really tight and the last 3 are just for good old feelings or fun or farce. You can never top the pure awesomeness and greatness of T1 and T2. On to the random thoughts!

Might be spoilers 

-As soon as the machine grabbed Conner as Reese was time traveling, that is when Biff stole the time machine.

-Some people say this movie shits on Cameron's since the alternate time stuff but when time travel is a thing.. It gives you a licence to fuck with things.

-I thought Clarke made a good Sarah but not as intense as Hamilton/

-Courtney was terrible. He had zero on screen presence and no chemistry with Clarke as Reese.

-Jason Clarke was ok as John Conner, thought letting the cat out of the bag that he was a Terminator in the trailer was a mistake. No surprises.
-They keep killing any potential of the franchise with this PG-13 crap. Its meant to be R. Arnold's face should have been ripped up big time after some crashes but was clean most the movie. Not much carnage at all. A few T1000 stabs was about it. I would say Jurassic Park was closer to a R rating.

-The action isnt much to talk about. Can't hold a candle to T2. A movie from 1991...

-I will always say special effects cheapen a movie and gives less to its weight. Its the case here.

-John Conner gets stuck to a MRI machine and we have no clue how he gets off it. Arnold turns into a t1000 in the end and have no idea how he came back on or anything.

-A few funny moments with Arnold. Nothing feels organic. Just forced but some what funny.
-Nice machine fights scenes, lots of walls took damage, Even a pop machine was a victim.

-They built a time machine in 1984....So..there is that.

-The Dragon Princess is pretty hot.

-They could have expended more on this Skynet AI who always has been in charge. Didn't give us a lot.

-Seeing young Arnold was great, made me just want to watch T1 instead.

These movies prove that James Cameron is a genius. Without his direction you have no shot. People give the performances of a life time in T1 and T2. Edward Furlong of all people is amazing in T2. Cameron just brings the best out of his talent. I just feel the acting and even Arnold struggle to be even ok. Its like they are doing impressions of these characters now and not being them. It doesn't help that Courtney kills about any scene he is in. I just never felt connected to any of the characters or cared like I did in T2 when the T-800 is lowered into the lava. I was moved than cause the acting,directing, music and everything was at such a high level. The chemistry was there. It just isn't here in this one or the past two. The first two are the real Terminator movies and the last three are just pretenders doing their best impression.

I give it 4 Edward Furlongs out of 10
RMT, movies, terminator, Arnold

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